
Dermatologist performs clinical examination of patient with papillomas on bodyPapillomas are single or multiple benign structures that occur in different parts of the body. Externally, they appear as papillae with bases. The consistency is thick or soft. The color can range from light brown to dark brown.Papillomas on the skin spoil the appearance, on the mucous membranes of the internal anatomy they cause bleeding and the appearance of ulcers, in the larynx they impair breathing and change the quality of the voice. Growths can be removed using surgical excision, electrocoagulation, laser, cryodestruction, and other methods.

What happened

Papillomas are benign tumors that affect the skin and epithelial cell structures. The main cause of its appearance is infection with human papillomavirus (high or low carcinogenicity).The ICD-10 disease code is D23. Classification of pathological conditions depends on the location of the lesion. For example, if the lesion appears on the neck or head in the hair, the code D23. 4 is assigned, if it is located on the arms and shoulders, the code D23. 6 is assigned, and if it affects the abdominal, pubic part of the body in both men and women, the code is assignedD23. 6. Female, chest and back area - D23. 5 etc.It is important to note that papillomas have a tendency to develop into malignant forms.


There are many types of papillomas, which vary in structure, shape, color, and other characteristics.

simple (vulgar)

This is one of the most common types of papillomavirus. In this case, the formation of papillomas on the skin may be caused by several types of strains at the same time. According to statistics, about 30% of people have encountered it at least once.
Common warts are most common on the upper limbs, especially the hands. However, the growth can cover the body, palms of hands, toes, and other surfaces.
Such warts appear in areas of skin damage due to a weakened local immune system.In appearance, common papillomas resemble papillomas. In the early stages of development, the diameter can reach no more than 2 mm. The wart head is soft, uniform in structure, and raised above the surface of the epidermis.When such forms occur, slight pigmentation is noticed. The growth gradually becomes larger as the roots grow deep into the skin and continue to absorb nutrients.Usually in the central part you can observe the appearance of hairs, which indicates the benignity of the formation.


These seals have a thin stem and a head on top. Due to the peculiarities of its structure, this type of growth cannot be confused with other varieties.
After the age of 45 in this breed, papillomas will appear in areas where the skin is thin. In particular, they form in the armpits, sternum in women and men, and in the neck area.
As tumors increase in size, they stretch and become larger. The heads of the growths are yellow or pink. Pigmentation levels are weak.


In appearance, they resemble small patches just above the surface of the skin. The root structure is dense and penetrates deeply into the dermis, as indicated by pain due to mechanical impact or injury.This growth is usually concentrated in the upper limb area. There are also papillomas on the face. In some cases, this type of tumor appears in the anal area, the pubic area in men, and the labia majora in women. Since in these places they receive active nutrition, they begin to grow actively.Flat papillomas are difficult to treat. After removal, a scar or scar will remain at the site of the growth.


In appearance, they look like nipples and are no more than 2-3 mm in diameter. Tumors tend to grow rapidly; small to large growths may appear on the skin. Shaped like a rooster's comb or cauliflower. The danger of this type of genital warts is that infection and inflammatory processes are likely to occur in a woman's labia minora or vaginal area. Such a formation is prone to injury, which can lead to infection.The problem with these types of papillomas is that they tend to recur frequently, even after treatment with antiviral drugs or surgery.

soles of feet

Cutaneous papillomatosis of the foot is caused by the presence of type 1, 2, and 4 virus strains in the body. These elements resemble calluses, but externally they look like simple papillomas. Another characteristic of them is that they can be injured under mechanical stress, but they have no skin pattern.Plantar papillomas can easily self-destruct, especially when they affect a child's body. Often, small bubbles will begin to form near the primary lesion. Over time, they can change, leading to the appearance of mosaic papillomatosis.


This type of growth occurs in rare cases, mostly in young children. If the mother has genital warts on her genitals at the time, she can become infected during delivery.


Filiform warts are most common on the facial area. They can be located under the eyes, on the forehead, on the ears, and on the neck in both men and women. Vulgar type tumors are characteristically found on the heels and hands. In addition, warts may also appear as papillomas on the fingers, buttocks, thighs, elbows, belly button, under the breasts, armpits, tongue, throat and other parts of the body.
Generally speaking, papillomatosis is a systemic disease in which papillomas appear throughout the body.
In addition, tumors can also affect the liver, mouth, respiratory tract, lungs, kidneys, etc.


Human papillomavirus is present in almost everyone's body and can go unnoticed for a long time. However, in some cases, it begins to become more active, causing papilloma-like growths on the skin.The development of pathological processes may be influenced by several factors. The most common ones include the following:
  • unprotectedsexualcommunication;
  • Frequent gender changepartner;
  • weakenimmunity;
  • disobey rulessanitaryRegulation of oral and intimate areas;
  • Organ diseasesgastrointestinal tract- Intestine;
  • violationexchangeprocess;
  • IncorrectNutrition;
  • receptioncytostaticor hormonal drugs.
The main risk factor for infection in men is thought to be bad habits that lead to a weakened immune system. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke increases the likelihood of developing laryngeal papillomatosis.

route of infection

Experts distinguish 4 ways in which human papillomavirus is transmitted.


This path is considered one of the most common. Viral particles can enter the body at any time during sexual contact. You also need to consider that barrier contraceptive pills only prevent infections in the reproductive organs, while the perineum and pubic bone remain unprotected.


Viruses have a high survival rate in moist environments. In this case, you may become infected when going to public places such as bathrooms, swimming pools, saunas or toilets. Viruses can also enter the body through the skin when using someone else's washcloth or washcloth.


Infection can occur when a damaged area of skin comes into contact with an injured papilloma. This process is called self-infection, in which the disease carrier himself or herself transfers viral particles from pathological to healthy areas of the body.

from mother to fetus

The virus has no ability to cross the placenta. However, the moment the fetus passes through the mother's birth canal, it is possible to become infected.


If you suspect papillomatosis, it is recommended to contact a venereologist and dermatologist.The final diagnosis can only be made based on the results obtained during the examination.

clinical examination

At the time of your appointment, the doctor will identify all types of structures present on the human body. Check them out and take some notes. If anogenital warts are detected, the patient is referred to a gynecologist for examination. Men can undergo ureteroscopy.


This is a diagnostic procedure that involves examining the female reproductive organs. To perform the operation, a special device is required - a colposcope. Thanks to the drugs used during the examination, it is not only possible to detect the virus, but also to evaluate the nature of its manifestations.

PCR analysis

Polymerase chain reaction can detect infection and determine the presence of other pathological processes that can be sexually transmitted.

Cytological examination

Means a classification that divides pathology into 5 categories. The first represents a normal cytological picture, the latter means the presence of a large number of atypical cellular structures that can initiate a cancerous process.


Allows you to study deeper areas of the malpike basal layer, allowing you to confirm or refute the presence of koilocytes within them.

screening test

Helps in rapid detection of high concentrations of viruses in the human body. Such studies are widely popular for their accuracy.


If the wart is not dangerous and unlikely to become malignant, no special treatment is needed. Your doctor may recommend taking medications to strengthen your immune system. If the potential for malignant transformation of the growth is high, optimal treatment options should be developed.


The life activities of pathogenic microorganisms can be inhibited by using the following antiviral drugs:
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • Immunostimulants.
If the development of a neoplastic process is not confirmed, special ointments can be used at home.


Warts can be removed in a variety of ways.

freeze damage

A therapeutic procedure that exposes papillomas to low temperatures, ultimately leading to the destruction of pathological structures. With high-quality procedures, not only can further tumor growth be stopped, but they can also be prevented from appearing in the future.The complexity of this approach lies in the inability to control how deeply the cold air penetrates into the tissue. If the surgery is not thorough, remnants of the papilloma may remain in the skin, causing it to reappear.


The benign tumors are cauterized by applying an electric current to them. In this case, the doctor presets the device to a certain frequency and voltage. Choose the type of attachment for your device based on the size and thickness of your growth.
Experts first use rings to remove the stem of the structure, and then cauterize the element itself. During the working process, the capillaries coagulate simultaneously, thus preventing bleeding.
After removal, the surgical area is treated with antiseptic.


The lesions are exposed to a stream of low-frequency radio waves. In this case, the electrodes capture only the damaged area, leaving healthy tissue intact. A wound forms at the site where the growth was removed.


This method is considered one of the most popular due to its simplicity and speed of implementation. The average meeting lasted no more than a quarter of an hour.The procedure itself is not painful, but patients may experience mild discomfort.
The papilloma is burned by exposing it to a laser beam, causing the cells to vaporize layer by layer and completely removing the element.
If papillomas are treated in this way, the chance of recurrence is minimized.


Nutrition for papilloma in the body means the presence in the diet of fermented milk, seafood, honey, garlic, onions, vegetables, lean meat and fish.If we talk about fruits, it is recommended to eat them as a snack between main meals. It is best to give priority to yellow, red or orange fruits.

When to delete

If there are many papillomas in the neck and other areas where the risk of damage is higher and may lead to cancer, complete removal of the papilloma-like structures is recommended.Other indications for removal:
  • positivehighWarts, which may indicate a more serious medical condition in the body;
  • planningPregnant, because against the background of hormonal changes, the risk of developing benign and malignant tumors increases.
Additionally, removal of the growth may be necessary if the growth is prone to malignancy.

Why are they dangerous?

The main danger of papillomas is their ability to degenerate into a neoplastic form. Additionally, tumors, especially those located in open areas of the body, are more susceptible to injury, which can lead to bleeding or infection.

Prognosis after resection

If the removal is not effective or complete, the papilloma may reappear. To prevent this from happening, self-medication is not recommended.Additionally, certain types of tumors are inherently prone to recurrence regardless of treatment effectiveness. To prevent this from happening, you must first eliminate the root cause.


Following some suggestions will help prevent this disease:
  • Only process protectedgender;
  • Use your own items exclusivelyhealth;
  • regular reinforcementimmunity;
  • Eat quality, healthy foodproduct;
  • receive medical treatmenttake an examFor preventive purposes, at least once a year.
Papillomas on the body are benign tumors and in most cases they cause no discomfort. Certain types of growths, especially when exposed to certain factors, can become malignant.To prevent this, when a lump appears, it is recommended to consult a specialist, who will prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.